Most Inspiring & Best Instagram Travel Accounts to Follow in 2017 - Top Travel Photos, Pics

Instagram is perfect for travel blogs and it has something for everyone.

Whether you’re looking for a virtual escape from the daily grind, trying to find inspiration for your next vacation or considering quitting the rat race to satiate your wanderlust permanently, you will find it here.

This is a list of some of the most motivational travelers who are showing us, one image at a time, that the world we live in needs to be seen to be believed.

1. Sam Horine

photographer sam horine best photos 2017

IG: @samhorine

You would expect a photographer from New York to have an excellent Instagram account, but it isn’t just Sam’s ability to capture a moment that is so inspiring, it’s his witty commentary, relaxed style and the range of images he has that keep hundreds of thousands of followers looking forward to his next post.

From tulip fields in the Netherlands to Lego whales in Vancouver, this is a varied and interesting account to follow.

His website is full of his work, if you’d like to see more of his talent than you can find on Instagram.

2. Murad Osmann

murad osmann photographer

IG: @muradosmann

It wouldn’t be a list of Instagram travel accounts without adding this classic and I shouldn’t go any further without mentioning the partner @natalyosmann account either.

This is the famous husband and wife team that have taken those amazing shots of her leading him by the hand to a plethora of exotic destinations.

A unique and expressive account that conveys each moment and should be enjoyed whenever possible.

The couple have now started releasing cool video blogs on YouTube to give followers fun behind the scenes access to their photography too.

This is a great account to get lost in for a few hours while being encouraged to put down the phone and see the world for yourself.

3. Expert Vagabond

expert vagabond instagram photographer

IG: @expertvagabond

The expert vagabond is just that: an Expert with a capital E.

As well as his stunning and imaginative pictures on Instagram, Matt is also a prolific blogger.

Once his unmatchable selfie skills have made you decide to go see some more of the planet, you can scoot over to his blog to work out how to become a world traveler using some of his expert advice.

4. Gabriela Mateus

gabriela mateus

IG: @gmateus

Gabriela’s vibrant snapshots of some of the world’s most colorful and exotic architecture and her ability to capture landscapes with a fresh perspective will have you booking a flight before you’ve finished scrolling.

She also includes a mini blog with each picture so you know a little of the story behind each image, which adds a lovely depth to this account.

If you need a little color in your life then this is definitely the account to follow.

5. Travel With Carlo

travelwithcarlo 2017

IG: @travelwithcarlo

Each of Carlo’s pictures is a work of art.

He has a way of making you wish you were standing next to him as he took the shot, and you really do feel that you are on a voyage of discovery with him.

A relatively new Instagrammer, he has already amassed an army of followers who have already watched him visit fifty countries and he aims to have doubled that number by next year.

It would be a shame to miss out on taking this journey with him, and you can also visit his blog for travel advice and tips.

6. Chris Burkard

chris burkard

IG: @chrisburkard

The dream-like images produced by this talented photographer and director are a joy to see, and they have earned him well over two million followers.

He gives lots of hints and tips on how he captured the shots too, so there’s plenty of inspiration for the budding photographer to get out into the world and start their own photo blog.

7. NatGeo Travel

The Kirke-fjord and the surrounding mountains, viewed from the Reinebringen. Hammarskaftet can be seen in the foreground. Reine, Moskenes, Lofoten, Nordland, Norway.

IG: @natgeotravel

The official Instagram account of National Geographic has to make it onto any list of inspirational travel accounts.

Talented photographers from all corners of the globe submit images that are chosen to maintain the brand’s reputation for world class imagery.

Landscapes, architecture, animals and people are beautifully captured for your pleasure.

8. Matt Kepnes

nomadicmatt 2017

IG: @nomadicmatt

Nomadic Matt has made a life out of travel, and his words of wisdom should be taken on board by anyone considering globetrotting as a new hobby.

His Instagram feed is packed with his great images documenting his constant journeys around the world, including the practicalities of getting from A to B.

He has written a bestseller that advises on how to travel the world on less than $50 a day so his Instagram feed is a great place to start for anyone who thinks money is an obstacle.

You’ll find more details at his website.

9. Kirsten Alana

IG: @kirstenalana

Kirsten’s photography is breathtaking on its own and would definitely convince even the most unsure adventurer to take the leap, as she captures the people and places she visits perfectly.

In addition, she adds a wonderful description for each image that really draws you into the picture and makes you want to follow in her footsteps.

This is an account that should be followed by anyone wanting the final push to get them past their front door and out into the world.

For more information about her adventures you can go to her site.

10. Mel’s Food & Travel


IG: @girleatworld

A combination of two of life’s delights, food and travel.

A delightfully funny and engaging selection of images that combine each location with its own culinary highlight.

This is a clever and respectful parody of the world famous @muradosmann account, and equally inspiring to see.

The blogs included on each post are an engaging and honest account of the trials and tribulations that travel can bring.

11. Louis Cole


IG: @funforlouis

The @funforlouis account was born from the adventures of Louis Cole, a prolific video blogger who started by capturing his attempts to find new and interesting challenges and sharing them on YouTube.

He is also a very talented photographer who really captures his free-spirited approach to travel.

You can benefit from his years of experience by following his journey and getting some priceless tips on how to inject more adventure into your life.

If you’d like to see his YouTube video blog click here.

12. Jack Morris


IG: @doyoutravel

After quitting his job five years ago, Jack Morris has never looked back and his Instagram feed documents his life on the road since taking this step.

You will find a delightful mix of people, places and landscapes and an excess of wildlife that will make any animal lover hunger for travel.

This is a great account for inspiration, tips and a refreshingly honest enthusiasm for the lifestyle.

13. Theron Humphrey


IG: @thiswildidea

This is a truly charming account that follows one man and his dog on their travels across North America.

You can find endearing shots of Theron and his faithful friend that documents a very personal journey of self-discovery and the joy of this unique relationship.

Add to all that the wide open plains, crystal clear lakes, soaring skyscrapers and rugged mountains that are typical of the American landscape and you have an unmissable account.

14. Hannah & Adam

hannah and adam getting stamped

IG: @gettingstamped

This couple’s account is well named, as they have already visited over 70 countries to date.

During their travels they have honed their skills and perfected the art of capturing an impeccable photograph.

Here you’ll find cute couple pictures that will make you reassess your relationship goals, underwater animal shots that will have you reaching for a snorkel and fantastical images that will guarantee you grab your passport to start getting yours stamped.

15. Annette White

annette white

IG: @bucketlistjourney

This is an inspiring account for anyone who might think that they don’t have what it takes to embark on a worldwide adventure.

Annette White has documented her travels since overcoming anxiety and low self-confidence in order to achieve her bucket list and is proof that this lifestyle is possible for everyone.

Her images are poignant and beautiful often accompanied by an explanation that will have you hanging on every word.

She has a great website that you can visit to start developing your own bucket list ideas.

This account is a wonderful testament to what humans are capable of if they put their mind to it and is not to be missed.

Bottom Line

These are just a few of the quirky, original, encouraging, entertaining and educational travel blogs that you can follow on Instagram.

Once you start following their journeys you will find yourself drawn to the many accounts available and there will be one that gives you the motivation you need to start your next big adventure.

P.S. Share your travel IG accounts with us 🙂